Enduro Committee Meeting Minutes.
FTR Enduro Committee Meeting April 8, 2000


Lane Sheppard- Chairman
Debbie Broderick- Scorekeeper
David Tharp- Referee
Lori Mento- Women
Jack Terrell- Specialty
Lee Daley- A Rep
Terry Enyart- Suncoast
Tim Richman- BSTR
Dwayne Starkey- DDR
Frank Erickson- River City
Buddy Gaillard- Family Riders
Kevin Hodge- CFTR

Old business:

1) A proposal by Cary Hunt to add to Chapter V, section C, paragraph 14...
After the sentence," In case of a tie, the 4th and 5th place riders placing will be used to determine the team winner." Add the sentence, " If still tied after the 5th person, the raw scores of each team rider will be added and the lowest team total wins.
Proposal ratified by unanimous vote

2) How to get people to work two events to cover for the FTR Enduro Committee event that is not a club held event.
    Chapter V, Section D, Line 3
    Change to read, last sentence
An individual can receive work points for only one Club event per competition year.
    Add lines
For a non club sponsored event, I.E. FTR Enduro Committee sponsored, the work points will be equal to the best race score performed in the year end results unless a club work is not taken the standard 100 points then is given. All other work rules still apply.

Proposal ratified by unanimous vote

New business:
A proposal by Kevin Hodge, Second by David Tharp
Vintage Enduro Rule Changes
1) Add to Chapter III;
A) Section C, line 1, in Enduro,
Vintage.....0-Open cc 1974 or earlier.....None
    B) Section D, line 1,under Masters   
Vintage* (* determined by number of entries from previous race)
C) Section J, line 6, {Super Vintage & Vintage (H/S only)}
    Change to read,
0-Open cc.....Vintage....Enduro & Hare Scrambles
2) Add to Chapter IV, Section C, Line 3
    Change to read,
Vintage Technical Requirements - In addition to C, 2, above, refer to Chapter VIII, Section C, Lines 1 - 8.
Proposal passed by unanimous vote

A Proposal by Kevin Hodge, second by David Tharp
Super Vintage Rules Changes

1) Add to Chapter III;
A) Section C, line 1, in Enduro
Super Vintage....0-Open cc Drum brakes & Air cooled....None
B) Section D, line 1, under Vintage
Super Vintage*             *Determined by the number of
C) Section J, line 6,              entries in previous events
Add in 0-Open
Super Vintage....Enduro & Hare Scrambles
2) Add to Chapter IV;
A) Section C
Add line 4

Any motorcycle of any displacement designed as original equipment and at least ten years old provided it is air-cooled having drum brakes front and rear. There is no limit on suspension travel.

A proposal by Terry Enyart, second by Dwayne Starkey

3) All riders must be 16 years of age and have a valid operators drivers license to enter a Florida Trail Riders Enduro Event when a tag is required.
Page 12 - Course Rules - Line # 2

Proposal tabled

A lengthy discussion was held regarding the number of scorecards received to the FTR Scorekeeper after the 10-24-99 FTR Enduro that had been altered. The Committee found that out of all riders involved, a check worker at the check had altered some cards. Since this fact was known, the Committee could not prove that some altering did not occur at the check.
The FTR Enduro Committee would encourage the Clubs and riders to handle scorecards in the following manner. Clubs should remove the scorecards at the last check and hand the bottom copy to the rider at that time. At all times, the rider is responsible for any altering of his scorecard and should protest or prove the correct score before the protest period is over. All riders should review the FTR rules covering altered scorecards and clear any doubt or be subject to the penalty as stated in the FTR rulebook. Clubs should advise check workers to initial any necessary changes, at that time, to provide a reference to the rider before the end of protest.

A proposal by Lee Daley, second by Buddy Gaillard

Rule Change concerning time clocks. Change 20 to 5 seconds.
Chapter IV, Section E, Line 5
Change to read;
The starters time shall be official. If any timing device is found to be inaccurate by more than five seconds, or if any timing device fails, such Checking Station shall be considered an Observation Check only.

Proposal passed by unanimous vote

A proposal by Jack Terrell, second by Buddy Gaillard

Chapter IV, Section C, Line 2
Change first sentence to read,

All motorcycles must have at least a workable headlight (no less than three inches in diameter), a workable taillight, horn, mirror, current tag and front number plate except where requirements are waved in the event flyer.

Proposal passed by unanimous vote

Meeting adjourned