4 stroke header wrap or carbon fiber cover?

jb bowles

Need some clarification before I drop a another hundred bucks please. I raced last season and I am very much a rule follower. Therefore when I saw on the flyers for most of the races that header wrap was required for 4 stroke bikes, I wrapped my header.

Now I just switched out my stock pipe for a FMF megabomb and I would prefer to add the carbon fiber cover versus wrapping the pipe. But before I drop a hundred bucks on the cover I need to know if it will pass inspection for the races?


Peter Rose

FTR Vice President
FTR Official
Club Representative
You will need a DDR Club Official to clarify. At last seasons DDR event they did allow the carbon fiber covers to pass, and the Yamaha rear exit exhaust with the tucked in wrap around pipes were exempt from the rule.

I would think it would be the same again this year. But never assume - contact the club, get an email as documentation to CYA.